Category Archives: 5SD018

Bioshock Infinite

Bioshock Infinite

This is like the best assignment ever given by a teacher. We have to play/watch a play through of Bioshock Infinite, and then do a full 9 act analysis of the story. It’s like “Hey students, play around a little, then tell me what the play-around was all about”.

I have just Finished watching a play through (did not have the money to buy the game, so that’s why i did not play it my self) on YouTube, and well, it was the last time i did so. It’s so frustrating watching someone else playing a game, without commenting anything, and doing all sorts of strange choices. I wanted to go in one direction and he/she in the opposite, and doing the opposite and so on…

well, now I have to stop hating and start to write the analysis. see you around!

Exploring board game

Exploring game

From right to left; Me, Andreas, Tomas, Emil and Jonas arm. Malin was the one taking this pic. (No, I have no idea of where Måns where during this pic)

Today we got an assignment where we had to do a paper board game version from a digital game in like three hours. We decided to go for Castlevania, a game where you explore an old castle and fight a bunch of monsters. I think it turned out really great, and if we had the time to make the board and cards and all the other pieces more fancy it would be ready for be putted on a shelf in a game store. (well, possibly only because it’s our first real game and I think of it as my baby and think it’s better than any other game out there, hahaha!!)

peace out!

The power-point assignment

we got an power-point assignment from Ernest last week where we had to find a musicians music and an artists art, connect them and then get it all in to a game genre.

(It’s okay, I did’n get the assignment at first either, actually I didn’t get it until there only was a few hours left of he deadline. huehuehue, good me!)

The power-point where supposed to have about 10 pictures from an artist and some music playing in the background, and then explain how the two could be related to each other.

I don’t know how this blogging thing works and this is probably a huge work around. But converted the ppt. to a video, uploaded it to and now I’m going to link it on here.

(This is also posted from my phone. Hope it will work!!)


edit; nope, it didn’t work posting from my phone. will have to figure that shit out.