Category Archives: 5SD013

Cowboys And Citys

Welcome to year 2014!! How does it feel? not so much futuristic and different from year 2013 eh? well, I have had an amazing Christmas break, have visiting all my old friends, eating a lot of tasty food, went skiing in Åre over new year. Overall I had the best time of my life for a long time! wow, much joy, such fun, many great time! :D

Stop blogging stuff about your life and get back on track, dammit!
-okay blog.. sorry…

The first 2D course is almost over, I’m back on Gotland and just drew the last lines on my two final assignments, which was cleaning up a rough cowboy sketch to a clean line art without change to much of the feeling in the sketch. and the other was a clean sketch of an Asian city which we had to put light and shading in.

My cartoony, asian city:

Cowboys And Citys

…And my fancy cowboy:


I’m satisfied with these assignments and really enjoyed working on them. and I did learn so much from this light and shadow assignment , like how to draw clouds, how to draw atmosphere, how to use Photoshop properly (I almost always draw in Sketchbook. It works so great on my Surface Pro, but Photoshop does some steps really great). etc.

I think that’s all for now, Next it’s time for the second 2D course, and Game Development!

Smell ya later!
-Ludwig Lindstål

Shading assignment

Shading assignment

note: Soon it’s Christmas break!!! WE-HO!

This week the assignment was to shade your clean-line and put her in an environment. somehow my brain farted when I was reading the description of this assignment and I just got the first part of this assignment. And as I was about to turn in the assignment I saw the second part. So the drawing look like shit, threw it all together in like 30 minutes. The character is pretty well rendered and okay looking, but everything with the environment is just wrong, the light, the perspective, the line-art etc.
This was a fatal last assignment of this year, I promise next years assignments will be greatly improved!! (note to self: get it done.. right!)

please ignore this post and keep scrolling on. I’m not really proud of this drawing.

merry Christmas, see you next year!
-Ludwig Lindstål

Clean line

Clean line


Now we have come to the cleanup part of our characters. I was supposed to do my rough sketch from two weeks ago, but I still don’t like it, so i drew a new pose for my character, gave her a more correct representation of her personality and corrected some minor failures.

I think she turned out okay, Could have been worked on more, creating more space and volume, but improvements can always be done. You’re not finished before you’re happy with your product.

Bye bye!
– Ludwig Lindstål

Turn Around

Turn around

Just for all to know: my computer and I are friends again!!! :D

This week assignment: Do a turnaround of your character!

Well, easy explained assignment, pretty hard to do. I did start with doing her facing the camera, so that she doesn’t lose her characteristic lines etc. I then drew lines vertical out from her to get all the directions at the same size. I did also drew her umbrella in to set its size as well.

It was a bit problematic to give her the same body ratio, but i think i got it pretty good. At least she look like the same person in all four directions.

see ya!
Ludwig Lindstål

Rough sketch

Rough sketch

This week went really bad!

We had to choose one of our thumbnails and develop that character in to a position and make a rough sketch out of it. This is what I manage to do this week. not really good drawing quality at all I know, but I redrawn the image like three/four times because sketchbook kept on crashing leaving no files or saves of my work on my computer what so ever, and forced me to start all over again. This was really annoying after the third time, and that resulted in me hating this assignment and get it over with as fast as possible.

Well, I hope my computer and  I can be better friends next week and we can leave all this behind us.

Ludwig Lindstål

Perspective week

Perspective week

Hellu there!

This week we went through perspective and space. I’ve learned techniques for making different shapes in planes without losing the ratio of the shape. The toughest one to understand was the ellipse, and actually, I still don’t really get it and draw them most on feeling. (I have found some YouTube tutorials of drawing ellipses that I shall check out this weekend thou, to settle this once and for all, hehe)

Other than those murdering ellipses, perspective is something I really can draw. Before I vent down to Gotland for studies almost all of my sketches have been drawn with perspective in mind, so I have had a lot of hours practicing and discover perspective techniques already.

I really love creating dramatic pictures using perspective, if you doing it right you can do such impressive images using only a few lines. This is frekking cool!

Ludwig Lindstål



Finally the fun has begun. This week the first 2D graphical course started, I’m really excited what I will learn from this course.

The assignment this week was to do 20 thumbnails of a game-concept. we could choose either Bella Umbrella, a princess with an umbrella that is trying to save her kingdom, or the other concept which was Clash of Heavens, an open 3D platform world full of war and chaos.

I went for the Umbrella concept as I thought the description of Clash of Heavens was way to undefined what the game actually was about. At first the ideas came down on the paper like nothing, but at the three last thumbnails the assignment went pretty boring and almost all motivation was gone, which resulted in a wide range of quality on the thumbnails.

Also, this week we had to show the three most dynamical drawings we have ever made. I choose three which I had drawn during the lessons this week. (I might upload an image later)

well, That’s all folks!
Ludwig Lindstål