Monthly Archives: December 2013

Shading assignment

Shading assignment

note: Soon it’s Christmas break!!! WE-HO!

This week the assignment was to shade your clean-line and put her in an environment. somehow my brain farted when I was reading the description of this assignment and I just got the first part of this assignment. And as I was about to turn in the assignment I saw the second part. So the drawing look like shit, threw it all together in like 30 minutes. The character is pretty well rendered and okay looking, but everything with the environment is just wrong, the light, the perspective, the line-art etc.
This was a fatal last assignment of this year, I promise next years assignments will be greatly improved!! (note to self: get it done.. right!)

please ignore this post and keep scrolling on. I’m not really proud of this drawing.

merry Christmas, see you next year!
-Ludwig Lindstål

Clean line

Clean line


Now we have come to the cleanup part of our characters. I was supposed to do my rough sketch from two weeks ago, but I still don’t like it, so i drew a new pose for my character, gave her a more correct representation of her personality and corrected some minor failures.

I think she turned out okay, Could have been worked on more, creating more space and volume, but improvements can always be done. You’re not finished before you’re happy with your product.

Bye bye!
– Ludwig Lindstål

Turn Around

Turn around

Just for all to know: my computer and I are friends again!!! :D

This week assignment: Do a turnaround of your character!

Well, easy explained assignment, pretty hard to do. I did start with doing her facing the camera, so that she doesn’t lose her characteristic lines etc. I then drew lines vertical out from her to get all the directions at the same size. I did also drew her umbrella in to set its size as well.

It was a bit problematic to give her the same body ratio, but i think i got it pretty good. At least she look like the same person in all four directions.

see ya!
Ludwig Lindstål