3D Week 05 – Assignment 2: part 2


This post is just a visual update of the assignment 2 for the 3D1 course. The screenshots is from my second attempt on this model as the first one was kind of sloppy done.


The new model has a total poly-count of 536, and a tris-count of 997. The first model had a poly-count of 799 and a tris-count of 1509, so there is a lot less of polygons in this version and this one is much more optimised. When I was making the first one I did work on it aiming at a much higher resolution on the topology than this version. But as the knife is a rather small object, there is no need to go as high as I did then. Then I did also change the shape a bit more and exaggerated the edge-flow to make the cartoony art-style more obvious.

As I did change the model I did also need to redo the UV layout. Here is how it looks (the red area to the left). The image also shows the knife with the UV-checker on to show so that there is very little distortion both on the top and the bottom of the model.


That’s it for this Update. There will be one more post on the assignment 2 next week.



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